1. See the fear and pressure of the DEMANDING Director - ESTJ

Fears: Instability; lack of control; chaos; lack of direction; moral corruption; pain of loved ones; being controlled; incompetence of self; incompetence of others - e.g. sh1t service.

Under Pressure: Sticks to the agenda; pays out on shoddy work or service and differing views.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to take care of business.


2. See the fear and pressure of the BOSSY Developer - ENTJ

Fears: Mediocrity; meaningless responsibilities; helplessness; incompetence; being stagnant; not meeting their potential.

Under Pressure: Works alone to complete tasks; is belligerent if individualism is threatened or challenging opportunities disappear.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to plan a trip.


3. See the fear and pressure of the IMPULSIVE Results - ESTP

Fears: Loss of control; being trapped in a sedentary lifestyle; inability to act now; being boring; being bored by boring people; incompetence in self; incompetence in others.

Under Pressure: Becomes critical and fault-finding; resists participating with a team; may overstep boundaries.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to learn something new.


4. See the fear and pressure of the EGOTISTICAL Inspirational - ENTP

Fears: Being controlled; not having options; being overwhelmed by details; having to cater to others' emotional whims; incompetence.

Under Pressure: Becomes manipulative, quarrelsome or belligerent.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to try something new.


5. See the fear and pressure of the NEEDY Persuader - ENFJ

Fears: Conflict; loss of close relationships; lack of meaning; not living up to their ideals; losing meaning by becoming something for others.

Under Pressure: Becomes indecisive and is easily persuaded; becomes organized to look good.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to make self care a priority.


6. See the fear and pressure of the OVERBEARING Appraiser - ESFJ

Fears: Having nothing or no-one to count on; conflict and discord; being misunderstood or misrepresented; loss of loved ones; social rejection; accidentally hurting someone.

Under Pressure: Becomes restless, critical and impatient.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to volunteer.


7. See the fear and pressure of the CHILDISH Promoter - ENFP

Fears: Being trapped; not having options; having too many details to manage; conflict in close relationships; having a daily routine that lacks meaning.

Under Pressure: Becomes careless and sentimental; is disorganized.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to surround themselves with love.


8. See the fear and pressure of the IMPATIENT Counselor - ESFP

Fears: Being trapped; death; boredom and restlessness; betrayl; not having loved ones.

Under Pressure: Becomes adaptable to those in authority and thinks with the group.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to pamper themselves.


9. See the fear and pressure of the FLIGHTY Specialist - ISFP

Fears: Loss of their freedom; being mediocre; having to perform meaningless work; blockage in creativity; inevitability; loss of loved ones; rejection.

Under Pressure: Becomes adaptable to those in authority and thinks with the group.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to focus on the present.


10. See the fear and pressure of the PERFECTIONISTIC Investigator - INFJ

Fears: Humanity's capacity for evil; inabilty to prevent negative outcomes; loss of loved ones; lack of meaning and purpose.

Under Pressure: Tends to internalize conflict; holds on to grudges.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to seek to understand.


11. See the fear and pressure of the WHINGING Agent - INFP

Fears: Corruption and conflict in the world; not living up to their ideals; rejection by loved ones; losing their morality.

Under Pressure: Becomes persuasive, using information or key friendships if necessary.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to indulge in something mindless.


12. See the fear and pressure of the UNPREDICTABLE Achiever - ISTP

Fears: Losing loved ones; feeling incompetent or helpless; being overwhelmed by emotion; social rejection; not having options; lack of freedom.

Under Pressure: Becomes frustrated and impatient; becomes more of a "doer" and less of a "delegator".

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to solve puzzles and play games.


13. See the fear and pressure of the NAIVE Practitioner - ISFJ

Fears: Conflict or disharmony; being misunderstood or misrepresented; having to act now without any preparation; lack of security and stability; betrayal.

Under Pressure: Becomes restrained; is sensitive to criticism. Becomes manipulative and passive-aggressive. Can hold major grudges.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to share their feelings.


14. See the fear and pressure of the RIGID Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Fears: Lack of direction or progress; incompetence of self or others; failure; being misrepresented; not having control.

Under Pressure: Becomes worrisome.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to clean and organize and give them reassurance.


15. See the fear and pressure of the LAZY Perfectionist - INTP

Fears: Rejection; lack of freedom or options; helplessness; wasting their lives; mediocrity; never achieving a goal.

Under Pressure: Becomes tactful and diplomatic.

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to solve a problem.


16. See the fear and pressure of the INSENSITIVE Enhancer - INTJ

Fears: Failure; being controlled or micromanaged; not meeting their potential; betrayal; medioctity; moral corruption.

Under Pressure: Becomes bored with routine work; sulks when restrained; acts independently (lone wolf).

Pressure Relief Secret™: Get them to turn to their passion to give them confidence.
