Situation - You are observing how someone is a blamer or blamee and what they should do to show appreciation
"When you truly don't care what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom."
1. Director - ESTJ
As Blamer: Is aware of who is making the mistakes and why and informs.
As Blamee: Blames self, but with no admission.
Jealousy Rating: Average.
Care of other's opinions rating: 11/16.
Should show appreciation by: Being aware that some people need to stop and be recognized
in order to feel appreciated. A big “thank you” and “you made a difference” is required even though
they might feel that this is a waste of time.
Modus Operandi: Values efficiency which can sometimes cause trouble with needing to place blame.
May forgive but will insist on improvement or you are out!
by E. Hunter™
2. Developer - ENTJ
As Blamer: Does not need someone to blame. Becomes annoyed with people who cannot handle themselves properly.
As Blamee: Sense of humour failure.
Jealousy Rating: Low.
Care of other's opinions rating: 15/16.
Should show appreciation by: Placing reminders in the calendar to offer genuine only praise
to workers and those close. Doing something competently is just one reason to be praised.
Being someone who makes a difference in other people’s lives is another.
Modus Operandi: Will remove continual mistake makers if no improvement.
by E. Hunter™
3. Results - ESTP
As Blamer: Annoyed with people who need to constantly place blame; prefers solutions and to move on.
As Blamee: Dos not like it; defensively blames others.
Jealousy Rating: Totally fine or batsh1t insane.
Care of other's opinions rating: 12/16.
Should show appreciation by: Checking with others’ schedules before showing appreciation
using the typical fun approach while not disrupting their process.
Modus Operandi: Has hard time seeing their own mistakes as wants to be impressive.
by E. Hunter™
4. Inspirational - ENTP
As Blamer: Regard it as pointless. Is aware of who is making the mistakes and why.
As Blamee: Ducks and weaves - It's not me.
Jealousy Rating: Least.
Care of other's opinions rating: 10/16.
Should show appreciation by: Recognizing that happy people tend to do better work and stay longer
in their job. Remember that different things make different people happy.
Modus Operandi: Continual mistake makers on the same item will be shown a better approach
to avoid repetition.
by E. Hunter™
5. Persuader - ENFJ
As Blamer: Is frustrated with people who always have to place blame on others. Prefers to move forward.
As Blamee: Do not like it especially if they have not done it. Blames self when should not, but with no admission.
Jealousy Rating: Highest.
Care of other's opinions rating: 2/16.
Should show appreciation by: Recognizing that different people like to be appreciated in different ways.
Just because a Persuader likes public recognition does not mean that everyone else will.
Modus Operandi: Want those close to support them and dislike when they do not appear perfect to them.
by E. Hunter™
6. Appraiser - ESFJ
As Blamer: Becomes rather annoyed when witnesses people constantly searching for someone to blame.
As Blamee: Often internally blames themselves over things they should not.
Jealousy Rating: Highest.
Care of other's opinions rating: 1/16.
Should show appreciation by: Showing appreciation for others through honouring traditions
and celebrating. But others may prefer a more casual approach.
Modus Operandi: Prefers to focus on ways to solve the problem at hand.
Does not believe in trying to shame people about their errors.
by E. Hunter™
7. Promoter - ENFP
As Blamer: Casting blame causes frustration and unease.
As Blamee: Dislikes and feels hurt when someone attempts to place blame.
Jealousy Rating: High.
Care of other's opinions rating: 7/16.
Should show appreciation by: Striking a balance between the traditional 'cheerleader' approach
by showing appreciation in a more subtle manner for those who might need a bit more space to
celebrate in a more reflective manner.
Modus Operandi: Does not play Blame Gamez™ unless toxic. Allows for mistakes, as long as moral.
Will not ever take responsibility.
by E. Hunter™
8. Counselor - ESFP
As Blamer: Happiest when they are around people who do not feel the need to constantly place blame.
As Blamee: Difficult to feel blame for anything, will feel hurt.
Jealousy Rating: Highest.
Care of other's opinions rating: 8/16.
Should show appreciation by: Striking a balance between the traditional tendency to enjoy
hands-on activities in the moment with others who might welcome a little more planned and subdued approach.
Modus Operandi: Feels defensive and tries to blame someone else, for fear of becoming the one being chastised.
by E. Hunter™
9. Specialist - ISFP
As Blamer: Frustrated by those who seek to blame others especially when to chastise.
As Blamee: Sensitive. Dislikes the idea of blame at all.
Jealousy Rating: Average.
Care of other's opinions rating: 6/16.
Should show appreciation by: Adjusting the behind-the-scenes approach (thoughtful actions and gifts) and others
may not notice what has been done for them. In turn, they may show appreciation in a way very different from the way
it might be expected.
Modus Operandi: Forgets mistakes of the past and moves forward.
by E. Hunter™
10 Investigator - INFJ
As Blamer: Cannot appreciate people who blame others for their own mistakes.
As Blamee: Blames self for things for which should not take responsibility.
Jealousy Rating: High.
Care of other's opinions rating: 4/16.
Should show appreciation by: Recognizing others for the little things they do helps them keep moving
forward to accomplish those bigger things. Be aware not to be future-focussed that appreciating what is happening
right in front of them is not forgotten.
Modus Operandi: Prefers those who can take responsibility for their actions.
Often takes on the blame and guilt when they have done nothing wrong.
Unnecessarily burdens themselves.
by E. Hunter™
11. Agent - INFP
As Blamer: Becomes annoyed with people who always seek to blame someone else; thinks this is harsh mentality.
As Blamee: Dislikes feeling the blame for something, especially if being badgered. Sometimes self blames.
Jealousy Rating: High.
Care of other's opinions rating: 5/16.
Should show appreciation by: Using words and actions is natural as is wanting to help and appreciate others.
Need to check whether this is being done because of a desire to be appreciated back instead of being helpful
just for the sake of being helpful.
Modus Operandi: Does not play Blame Gamez™. Forgives if good intentions.
by E. Hunter™
12. Achiever - ISTP
As Blamer: Blame can seem like a foolish waste of time.
As Blamee: Cannot see the point.
Jealousy Rating: Least.
Care of other's opinions rating: 14/16.
Should show appreciation by: Recognising that caring and showing appreciation by way of fixing or making something
may not be sufficient when others need more interaction.
Modus Operandi: Analyses and observes for future. Conceals their awareness of
who made the mistakes.
by E. Hunter™
13. Practitioner - ISFJ
As Blamer: Becomes bothered by the idea of shaming others.
As Blamee: Can be very hurt if blamed.
Jealousy Rating: Low.
Care of other's opinions rating: 3/16.
Should show appreciation by: Something beyond a traditional birthday cake or a special trip that is
exactly the same as in previous years. A workplace setting requires more.
Modus Operandi: Dislike seeing people feel victimised because they have been blamed.
Wants improvement and all are happy.
by E. Hunter™
14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ
As Blamer: Not just for blames sake. Want to be aware of who is doing the snafus.
As Blamee: Blames self but with no admission.
Jealousy Rating: Least.
Care of other's opinions rating: 9/16.
Should show appreciation by: Showing a more flexible approach as showing appreciation does not come
naturally due to the 'bottom line' approach.
Modus Operandi: Efficiency means informing mistake makers, altering responsibilities,
smooth running.
by E. Hunter™
15. Perfectionist - INTP
As Blamer: Quickly annoyed with people who are constantly seeking to blame others. When aware,
does not assign blame especially if minor errors.
As Blamee: Blames self but with no admission.
Jealousy Rating: Least.
Care of other's opinions rating: 13/16.
Should show appreciation by: Recognizing that because of constantly analyzing pros and cons,
any outward expression of appreciation may be forgotten completely as the tendency is not to
offer much appreciation. This is likely to cause problems in a leadership environment.
Make it a point to verbally show appreciation.
Modus Operandi: Wants accuracy. Solve the problem not assign the blame.
by E. Hunter™
16. Enhancer - INTJ
As Blamer: Analyses. Remembers for the future. Will be aware of surroundings and environment.
As Blamee: Better have your facts correct. Will not transfer blame to avoid it on self.
Jealousy Rating: Least.
Care of other's opinions rating: 16/16.
Should show appreciation by: Recognizing that because of being totally self-reliant,
the importance of regularly appreciating others is often not done. Make a point of sharing kind words and deeds
by way of adding reminders to the calendar. But not too many to become overloaded.
Modus Operandi: Not interested in finding people to blame, but requires responsibility.
by E. Hunter™
and how to show appreciation