Are you frustrated when someone flits from one subject to another or wanders off while you are in mid sentence?

Or has such intense concentration that you are not noticed.

Here, Elizabeth Hunter™ sets out some descriptions that may lead you to correct Titanium Imposition™.

One pattern is the market leader - try observing it!

Conducted and composed by Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update August 15, 2023


1. Director - ESTJ

Dialogue: The Director definitely does not have a short attention span since they are focussed people. When it comes to going after their goals they are capable of staying focussed and getting things done. While some people might become bored easily, the Director will work hard to accomplish the tasks that need to be done. They do not become distracted if they are doing something important in order to accomplish their goals. The Director is very dependable who believes in working hard to get things done.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


2. Developer - ENTJ

Dialogue: The Developer is a focussed individual who can zone in on something they find important. They are hardworking and always push themselves to improve. They do not become distracted easily, especially when they are working on something important. They are not afraid to challenge themselves and will continue to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. They do not have short attention spans, which is why the Developer is often found in leadership roles.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


3. Results - ESTP

Dialogue: The Results do become bored rather easily and have somewhat short attention spans. They enjoy being able to explore new things and hate staying in one place for too long. They can often bounce from one thing to the next rather quickly, especially in conversation. While some people can maintain focus for a long time, the Results really hate staying still. Watch them at a party or a conference. They want to try new and challenging experiences and can become bored when they do not feel excited by something.
Short Attention Spanz™: Yes.


4. Inspirational - ENTP

Dialogue: The Inspirational can definitely have a short attention spans and are constantly jumping from one thing to the next. They want to continue challenging themselves and want to dive into new possibilities. They love absorbing information and finding ways to push the limits in life. When they feel like they have learned enough about something, they might become bored and want to move on. They enjoy exploring new things, which is why they find themselves possessing a rather short attention span.
Short Attention Spanz™: Yes.


5. Persuader - ENFJ

Dialogue: The Persuader definitely does not have a short attention span and will spend plenty of time focussing on one thing. They are hardworking people who try hard to tend to the needs of their loved ones. They are very focussed people, especially with the things they believe to be important. They will work hard to take care of others and will juggle many tasks at once in order to get things done. They will not be easily distracted when they are doing something important or when they are spending time with loved ones.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


6. Appraiser - ESFJ

Dialogue: The Appraiser definitely does not have an short attention spans and will work hard to get things done. They do not become bored easily and can often find a way to keep themselves entertained. They are dependable people who simply want to take care of their loved ones and make them happy. Even when the task seems a bit boring, they will maintain their focus in order to get things done. They do not enjoy having too many different options and can become frustrated when people jump from one thing to the next rather quickly.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


7. Promoter - ENFP

Dialogue: The Promoter can definitely have a short attention span and they find that not many things can maintain their interest. They just have so many thoughts inside of their head that it becomes difficult for them to stay focussed on just one thing. They will bounce from one activity to the next in order to keep themselves entertained. They might have a hard time sitting through certain movies. They are often seen doing multiple activities at once. They come up with ideas that will require others to implemet them. They have a hard time staying focussed and become distracted somewhat easily. Their ability to concentrate for more than a 'few seconds' is extremely limited. This is why they are terrible project managers and woeful finishers. They have Concentration Vagrancy™ - another unique Oxor™ concept.
Short Attention Spanz™: Yes.
A quote seen by Elizabeth Hunter™: "I do not have a train of thought. I have seven trains on four tracks that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross and all the conductors are screaming."


8. Counselor - ESFP

Dialogue: The Counselor can have a rather short attention span and find themselves jumping from one thing to the next rather quickly. They can become bored easily and dislike anything that does not keep them excited and entertained. They will often have conversations that bounce around to different topics and dislike staying stagnant for too long. They definitely have short attention spans and do not focus too hard on one thing but would rather explore new things including being at a party.
Short Attention Spanz™: Yes.


9. Specialist - ISFP

Dialogue: The Specialist has a somewhat short attention span and find themselves distracted rather easily. They hate having to maintain focus on one thing for too long, especially if they find it to be a bit boring. They want to experience new things in life and often have a million different ideas bouncing around inside their minds. They enjoy being able to try new things and love being able to experience the many possibilities in the world around them.
Short Attention Spanz™: Yes.


10. Investigator - INFJ

Dialogue: An Investigator is not the type to have a short attention span and are often capable of focussing on something for a while. They can spend hours inside their own thoughts, just thinking things through and processing information. They are certainly capable of maintaining focus on one thing, especially if they find themselves interested in it. They enjoy absorbing something and do not want to jump from one thing to the next without fully appreciating what is in front of them. They are also very interested in focussing on their loved ones and can listen to them for a long time.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


11. Agent - INFP

Dialogue: The Agent can become bored rather easily and finds themselves having a hard time remaining focussed. They do have somewhat short attention spans and enjoy being able to explore new things. When they become bored with something, they will want to find something else to entertain them. They will be capable of keeping their attention focussed when it comes to their loved ones. They naturally find themselves interested when someone they care for is sharing parts of themselves with the Agent.
Short Attention Spanz™: Yes.


12. Achiever - ISTP

Dialogue: The Achiever is bored somewhat easily and wants to be able to experience new things. They enjoy feeling challenged and are constantly seeking out new adventures to explore. They can have somewhat short attention spans, especially if they feel bored by the activity in front of them. They want to feel challenged by what they are doing and do not enjoy activities that seem a bit too simple. They are capable of maintaining focus on something they believe is important and valuable.
Short Attention Spanz™: Yes.


13. Practitioner - ISFJ

Dialogue: The Practitioner does not have a short attention spans and are very dependable people. When there is something important that needs to get done they will maintain the proper focus. While some people might become bored easily, they are more than capable of doing what needs to be done. They are hardworking people, who simply want to make their loved ones happy. Even when things can be a bit difficult, the Practitioner will not let themselves become distracted.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Dialogue: The Objective Thinker definitely does not have a short attention span and are very capable of maintaining focus. They will go after their goals with direction and integrity and seem to always push themselves to succeed. They are dependable people who believe in doing what is right for themselves and their loved ones. They do not become distracted and are capable of doing things that others would find boring. Even if something is not the most interesting task, they will be capable of focussing if it is important.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


15. Perfectionist - INTP

Dialogue: The Perfectionist can become bored somewhat easily, especially with things that do not challenge them. When they find something is no longer providing them with value, they can become distracted. Their attention span entirely depends upon what they are paying attention to and if it is interesting enough to hold their attention. They will find themselves absorbed in something until they have learned about it fully, then they will move on to something else. They can move on before their project is finished though when they become bored with it.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.


16. Enhancer - INTJ

Dialogue: The Enhancer is focussed and who is capable of paying attention to something they deem important. When they are learning they want to absorb as much information as possible and will rarely become distracted. They do have a rather healthy attention span and do not become pulled away easily. When they want to learn about something they will not become bored; in fact they will relish in the chance to improve and challenge themselves. They can have a short attention span when it comes to people, especially individuals they find a bit unsubstantial.
Short Attention Spanz™: No.

A quote adapted and altered by Elizabeth Hunter™: "I do not care about the stupid race between the Hare and the Tortoise. I might look like I am always sleeping and I do sleep a lot. Because deep down I know that I had all of my work done way before the due date. And no matter who you are, no-one bothers my sleep schedule and I do not bother you. I might look harmless, but be aware of my sharp claws. And while others are thinking that I am wasting my life sleeping, never leaving my home, I sleep all day but I do it correctly. I am the koala."
