Director - ESTJ

Observed: Optimistic, but prefers to be prepared.
Features: In situations without being ready for negatives - wants to be aware with preparation.
Danger: Being naïve in any situation.
Rating: 6/10

by B. Collie

Developer - ENTJ

Observed: Not blindly opimistic, but positive.
Features: Emotion ahead of facts Allowing life to get them down, even when struggling.
Danger: Focussed, realistic and driven but have fun.
Rating: 7/10

by G. Shepherd

Results - ESTP

Observed: Not opimistic, but realistic.
Features: Not achieving goals which ensure things come their way.
Danger: Takes matters into their own hands.
Rating: 5/10

by J. Russell

Inspirational - ENTP

Observed: Cynical and opimistic; interesting people.
Features: Not having caring people who are positive about the future.
Danger: Accepts status quo. Uses humour to deflect against their feelings.
Rating: 7/10

by B. Terrier

Persuader - ENFJ

Observed: Optimistic, pushes forward, tries hard.
Features: Make a difference / causes happiness, on the go, hopeful other good people are out there.
Danger: Juggles too many errands.
Rating: 8/10

by T. Boxer

Appraiser - ESFJ

Observed: Optimistic or pessimistic, depending on the company that they keep.
Features: If you need an optimist get an Appraiser. Makes those close happy.
Danger: Dislikes feeling out of control.
Rating: 8/10

by G. Dane

Promoter - ENFP

Observed: Very optimistic, prefers to remain positive.
Features: Does not allow life to get them down, even when struggling.
Danger: Prefers optimism for things to get better. No misery.
Rating: 9/10

by G. Retriever

Counselor - ESFP

Observed: Extreme optimistic; often gets them into trouble.
Features: Wants to remain positive about the future; dislikes too much negativity.
Danger: Never give up hope things will get better.
Rating: 10/10

by A. Poodle

Specialist - ISFP

Observed: Very optimistic; positive; at peace with their lives.
Features: Always believe that things will get better if positive.
Danger: Enjoys present moment instead of dwelling on the past or pushing too hard towards the future.
Rating: 9/10

by S. Bernard

Investigator - INFJ

Observed: More cynical and realistic than optimistic.
Features: Often feel burdened to find a way to help in changing things. Kind, helpful.
Danger: Fearful of being too optimistic, = overwhelmed then disappointment. Believe there for a greater purpose.
Rating: 2/10

by G. Hound

Agent - INFP

Observed: Mix of emotions; both pessimistic and optimistic.
Features: Depends on the mood.
Danger: Copes with emotion mix, but are often all over the place.
Rating: 5/10

by A. Tibetan

Achiever - ISTP

Observed: Neither. A cynical realist in the present moment.
Features: Prefers to understand things fully. Not naively optimistic about the future, realises things can go wrong and accepts that.
Danger: Accepts the ups and downs.
Rating: 0/10

by H. Bassett

Practitioner - ISFJ

Observed: Surprisingly optimistic, constantly hoping for the best.
Features: When capable of preparing for things, extremely optimistic for the future.
Danger: Can be high stress, worry about those close, dislike negativity, disharmony.
Rating: 8/10

by A. Malamute

Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Observed: Not optimistic, realistic.
Features: Sees things how they are, prepares for things going wrong. Research and understanding assists planning for the future in an intelligent way.
Danger: Can be positive about the future, but wants to plan for the bad beforehand.
Rating: 3/10

by B. Mountain

Perfectionist - INTP

Observed: Pessimistic and cynical.
Features: Sees all possibilities = sees negatives of how things might turn out, but plans around this.
Danger: Can be down about the future.
Rating: 1/10

by P. Illon

Enhancer - INTJ

Observed: Not optimistic; realistic.
Features: Facts always are ahead of emotion. Realism means lives in a beneficial and intelligent manner. Plans for negatives.
Danger: Can take things for what they are.
Rating: 2/10

by A. Ghan

Showing 1-16 of 16 patterns observing
how optimistic someone is