1. This is an actual bitch; one of three to choose from - the BLUNT Director - ESTJ

This bitch is the demanding political science bitch. Does nothing, becomes President, then is held in contempt by all.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 28.6% - 2/16
Their character may be described as a finagler. Having an ability to work around or figure out a way to get something done a certain way (theirs).
This bitch goes into almost every situation with a strategy and they use force to get others to help execute their plan.
But they run into problems if their plan gets thrown off-course, either by a person that they are working with or an external event occurs that changes the circumstances.
This bitch is a handful because they are not the most sensitive souls, so they can seem a bit (lot) hurtful when they are trying to get something done and incompetent others are getting in their way.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most MEAN as their authoritarian tendency is based on strictness. The boss. They feel uneasy asking to take the company-allocated vacation days. As hard workers, they feel awkward when they fail at work or are reminded of their shortcomings. They need to give themselves a break. They are mean.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They can become more explosive and callous.
↘ They may become detached from their values.
↘ They can be impatient and reckless.
↘ They can pursue too many possibilities and lack direction.
↘ They can get stuck completing fairly useless busywork.
↘ They make hasty and potentially disastrous decisions.
↘ They may feel resentful about all the projects they have to take on.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is unable to implement their ideas or get their own way.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Arsehole, bar none. They believe that bossing people around is a natural talent. They are the heckless comedian who gets roasted back. They beat up innocent children for money - at any age.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The bossy fcuk. Always shouting, always ordering yet never listened to. Actually wanted to be a prefect or hall monitor, unlike any normal person. Will tell everyone after they leave school that they were indeed a prefect; until they accept the celestial calling.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Secretly thinks that everyone around them is an incompetent monkey that was birthed with the sole purpose of annoying them.


2. This is an actual bitch; one of three to choose from - the RUTHLESS Developer - ENTJ

This bitch is the problematic and bossy bitch who causes trouble just to prove that they know stuff.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 22.9% - 3/16
Their character may be described as bellicose Someone who is a bit aggressive and willing to favour starting quarrels or fights.
This bitch often thinks long-term, so they may have trouble handling the day-to-day operations required in many aspects.
This becomes most problematic if they find themselves in highly deadline-driven situations.
This bitch is a handful because they become extremely frustrated by people who cannot perform properly and they will carry on in a sometimes aggressive manner towards these poor performers.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most REVENGEFUL especially if it is against their pride or position as they will never back down. They are likely to cause more damage than the Enhancer. As tacticians and leaders they hate making mistakes. They might be embarrassed or uncomfortable when they make an error in judgment or need to face a failure. They seek revenge.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They become agitated and more temperamental than usual.
↘ They make hasty, impulsive decisions.
↘ They become out of touch with what matters to them personally.
↘ They may make more ethically ambiguous decisions.
↘ They lack the insight they crave.
↘ Their strategies are less focussed and less ingenious.
↘ They start feeling resentful about taking on so much work or responsibility.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is not able to seize opportunities in the moment.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Authoritinarian Fascist. They actually hate people but want to control them. They do not recognize their own daughter as they work so much. They tend to beiieve that genocide is a rather good idea.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The super smart and cocky kid who would be much more likeable if they had had any fcuking feelings. Dick. Will definitely be arrested for tax fraud or some shady bulltish in their later lives.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Constantly petrified of being in a situation whereby they cannot sweet-talk or negotiate their way out.


3. This is a bad bitch; one of three to choose from - IMPULSIVE Results - ESTP

This bitch is the loud, insensitive and boisterous bitch who people like for some unknown reason.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 11.4% - 11/16
Their character may be described as a snollygoster. Someone like a politician who will say anything to get the solution they want.
This bitch is spontaneous which can get them into trouble. If they behave on a whim, they could be putting themselves in danger.
This is especially problematic if they are in an unfamiliar place or with unknown people, because there will be more variables to worry about if they put themselves at risk, which can be very likely.
This bitch is a handful because they often take risks that might frighten and confuse those around them.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being somewhat REBELLIOUS as they often find bureaucratic rules and traditions to be both silly and pointless. They like shortcuts and have little patience for oversights, constraints or being "managed". They can play the game nicely until someone tightens the reigns on them a little too hard and then they will lash out or undermine the authority in order to free themselves. They are the charmers of all the 16 patterns but that does not mean they do not have moments of discomfort. When they do feel awkward, it is likely because they have been asked to share their deeper feelings or when they commit to things they later regret. An example may be when the Results is the love interest who is locking someone into a situationship. They are rebellious.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They become more easily agitated and short-tempered than normal.
↘ They find it harder to concentrate and focus on one thing.
↘ They make impulsive or hedonistic decisions.
↘ Their decisions are less rational.
↘ They throw caution to the wind.
↘ They feel pulled in too many directions.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch has their arrogance thwarted in their pursuit of prestige, adulation and acclaim.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Duke Nukem. They do not know that 'chad' means alpha male. They are the clubhouse leader for spreading sexually transmitted infections. They are the alpha male of the country and yet the most likely to commit suicide.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The sporting one. Liked beer and boobs and he fcuked hard! They were also as dumb as sh1t and will now have a garbage life to the point where they will consider high school as their "peak".

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

The most likely to die young or to take unnecessary risks just to spice up their life.


4. This is a bad bitch; one of three to choose from - the ARGUMENTATIVE Inspirational - ENTP

This bitch is the annoying egotistical bitch who continually starts arguments and will not stop arguing.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 10.0% - =12/16
Their character may be described as carrying on with shenanigans. Someone who gets into a bit of trouble because of their curious and playful nature.
It is observable that the tendency to debate everything manifests itself as a negative attitude towards work, especially if their job or task feels monotonous.
This bitch is a handful because they are independent, headstrong and enjoy exploring new things. They will jump from one event to the next rather quickly, leaving things unfinished.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most REBELLIOUS as they resist traditions and conformity, opting instead to experiment and look at situations from new angles. And debate everything. They tend to hide their feelings with clever comebacks and feel really awkward when it finally comes time to spill the beans. They tend to have a quick-witted comeback for everything but they will feel most awkward when they are forced to be serious such as needing to articulate feelings to someone special. They are rebellious.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They feel restless and unable to focus.
↘ They become too fixated on other peoples’ reactions (or their approval).
↘ They pursue half-baked ideas and ignore rules without thinking them through carefully.
↘ Their humour becomes more biting and sarcastic.
↘ They have less patience for people and things they do not find interesting.
↘ They may react with anger or frustration more quickly than usual.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is of the view that they are not liked by others.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the I am Always Right Brigade. They are the Scatterbrain with the Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist. Their continually argumentive stance that everyone's ideas are bad is not helpful at all. As a child thought that 'I know you but what am I?' was a 200 IQ play. Is secretly scared that someone will find out just how small their penis is. With equivalent for ladies. They are 'Babsy from the Body Corporate'. Insiders will relate to this.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The irritating class clown who would do well if they actually did any fcuking work. People laughed at their wit yet pitied their life.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

The larger or more vehement a response they can get from others for their far-fetched ideas and debates; the more accomplished they feel.


5. This is a loud bitch; one of four to choose from - the MANIPULATIVE Persuader - ENFJ

This bitch is the starry eyed and needy bitch who loves everybody and is always promoting some sort of cause whether you are interested in it or not.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 15.7% - 6/16
Their character may be described as a fusspot. Possessing a desire to make everything around them perfect and who makes frequent complaints; usually about little things.
This bitch loves to lead others, but they are not always be able to do so. This is especially true if someone tries to take away or threaten their power or they demonstrate that they are actually a poor manager.
Someone who tries to usurp their authority or hold them to account will quickly see their bitchiness unravel with malicious, spiteful or arrogant behaviour.
This bitch is a handful because they manipulate, smother and interfere. They can also be narcissistic, selfish and passive-aggressive.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most JEALOUS as they care very much how others perceive them and want others to rely on them to make them happy. They often become uncomfortable if others seek alternate advice for things that they think that they can easily provide for them. They are teddy bears who give a lot of love and want validation in return. When their high-five is not returned and "thank you" omitted from their seventh compliment of the conversation, they will be sad. They are jealous.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They are propelled by others’ needs and emotions.
↘ They lose track of their own feelings or values.
↘ They become impulsive and hasty.
↘ They feel scattered and overwhelmed.
↘ They feel like they can never be enough for anyone.
↘ They become more irritable with others.
↘ They become more self-critical and may try to detach.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is alone or feels that they are being socially ostracised or held to account.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the one who is Silly and Foolish for everyone. They will die if they cannot help someone move out of their apartment at least once per week. They have zero logic, yet they want to become a teacher. Their focus on others causes them not to pay adequate attention to themselves. They are 'Betty from the Body Corporate'. Insiders will relate to this.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The pretentious student body President and leader of useless bulltish such as the schools 'Save The Norwegian Termites Foundation'.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Acts caring and noble but only does it to feed their own narcissistic impressions of themselves.


6. This is a loud bitch; one of four to choose from - the OVERBEARING Appraiser - ESFJ

This bitch is the social butterfly bitch who needs validation. They do not understand anything without asking twelve clarifying questions.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 41.4% - 1/16
Their character may be described as a mollycoddler. The one who pampers or indulges someone and seeks to give them whatever they want.
This bitch feels best when they have strong relationships with others. The ideal person in their lives is someone they can collaborate with, rely on and feel supported when in tough situations.
If they do not have this type of relationship, or if someone they are close to wrongs them, this creates discord in their life.
This bitch is a handful because they want to feel appreciated and might need affection from those around them which is especially difficult for people who require a lot of space to hand it out.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most SUSPICIOUS toward people outside of their known social circles. They are social creatures with a lot of love for routine. They come across as status-seeking and superior. Although they may seem friendly to people outside their group, it often comes across as shallow and placating rather than being genuine. They tend to be sensitive and feel most awkward when they think they are the butt of someone’s joke or are not having their feelings in a friendship or relationship reciprocated. Oxor™ recommends that you do not put any unannounced time on their Google Calendars and reassure them of their awesomeness often. They can be suspicious.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They can become codependent and overly attached to others.
↘ It can be hard for them to think clearly.
↘ They can feel that they are constantly treading water.
↘ They may start neglecting their own needs.
↘ They can get lost in other people’s problems.
↘ They can feel less stable and grounded.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is not being appreciated or love-worthy.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Human Leech. They give gifts to people who do not want them and then get mad when the gift is not liked. Presents new ideas and then calls them stupid just to receive pity. They take 90 minutes to solve a zero piece puzzle.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The one who pretended to care about people's feelings and let them open up just so they could use this information against them later. Quite popular unless they were a male, then everyone just thought they were emotional and rude.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Cares so much about their public appearance that they would never uphold a controversial belief and would not think twice to cut off someone from their lives with an infamous identity.


7. This is a loud bitch; one of four to choose from - the CHILDISH Promoter - ENFP

This bitch is the emotionally dead and overthinking bitch who convinces you that they are not dead by their enthisiasm and tells their life story at the first meeting.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 14.3% - =7/16
Their character may be described as a flibbertigibbet. Someone who is silly and / or who likes to chat a lot.
This bitch is supportive of the people they care about and they expect the same in return. However, their weakness is not reciprocating support towards others.
If someone is not giving them the credit they feel they deserve, they might feel slighted and get upset or become toxic.
This bitch is a handful because their sense of passion and curiosity are light years ahead of completing anything.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the second most REBELLIOUS as they are flexible and drawn to original and novel ideas and theories. They rather enjoy being non-conformist, different and unconventional. They hate rejection. While appearing confident they tend to be sensitive deep down. They will feel awkward if they misread a situation and experience rejection or they are not receiving approval from others. They are rebellious.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They feel scattered and unable to focus.
↘ They are less patient with people.
↘ They are more out of touch with reality.
↘ They can be too impulsive and hasty.
↘ They are more likely to make snap judgments.
↘ Their decisions are less in line with what they really want.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is thought of as being aimless or unmotivated.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Scatterbrain with the Inspirational, Agent and Perfectionist. They talk faster than a professional rapper. They are the inventor of the one night stand. They fully embrace the notion of 'sweet but psycho'. They flit and finish nothing.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The off-the-wall freak with concerning interests who everyone seemed to like anyway. Either a super chilled person or borderline villain; stupid either way.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Extremely friendly, but will leave you as soon as you stop providing them 'mental stimulation'.


8. This is a loud bitch; one of four to choose from - the IMPATIENT Counselor - ESFP

This impulsive bitch is the crazy bitch who is super weird, is liked by everybody, but never hangs out as they are too busy with theatre, ecstacy etc.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 14.3% - =7/16
Their character may be described as the provider of a brouhaha. They enjoy focusing on things that are fun and can often be seen at big events.
This bitch thrives when they are able to collaborate with others, but having to work alone will pose a challenge for them.
While it is it is important for them to develop their own skills individually in case they need to tackle a problem by themselves, there is a party to attend.
This bitch is a handful because they want to always be the centre of attention and are demanding and reckless. They vent, talking about their stress to others. Getting their frustration out externally is their preferred way of coping.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most EMOTIONAL as the intensity of their emotions is so strong that they can find them completely overwhelming. They are most comfortable with expressing their emotions and sharing their thoughts which may be of zero interest to many. While generally outgoing and confident, they do feel awkward from time to time especially when they are forced to be introspective or when someone criticizes their decisions. They are out of their element when too much work lands on their plate or if they are asked to commit to something with no escape hatch. They are emotional.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They become more easily angered.
↘ Their decisions are more reckless and hasty.
↘ They may chase after excitement at the expense of their well-being.
↘ They may lose touch with their physical health.
↘ They do not take time to process their emotions and so they react without thinking.
↘ They start to feel tired and confused.
↘ They lose sight of the big picture.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is thought of as being unattractive with no sense of self worth.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Embodiment of Crab Rave. They are wasted by the sight of an alcoholic beverage. They were surprised that JFK was killed when watching a documentary about him. They take everything way too personally.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The atention whore personified. Hey everyone look at me look at me, please pay attention to me!! Lol I'm so quirky. Sit the fcuk down Sandra, that pushup bra is not going to make Brian text you back.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Too self-absorbed to the point where they would even publicly humiliate themselves to garner even a shred of attention from others.


9. This is a secretive bitch; one of three to choose from - the FLIGHTY Specialist - ISFP

This indecisive bitch is the sarcastic bitch who is obsessed with feelings of empathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest and probably owns a horse.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 14.3% - =7/16
Their character may be described as a lollygag. Although insulting, it reflects the usual relaxed and carefree nature.
This bitch loves to live in the moment, so they are not naturally skilled in planning the future or reflecting on the past.
This could spell disaster if they do not learn from their mistakes or if they cannot take the necessary action steps to reach their goals.
This bitch is a handful because of a desire to take risks and live with a sense of freedom and when they feel that they are being controlled by others. They are the most likely to get upset or angry and show it, as well being the most likely to get upset or angry and not show it.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most ENIGMATIC. On the one hand they are retiring, shy, peaceful and on the other they seem to be some of the biggest bullies around. They feel the most awkward when they are backed into a box and told they "have to be" one way. They want to live in a way that feels true to their values and they like to make spontaneous decisions. They feel most awkward when restricted, when they cannot express themselves or when they become the center of attention. They like to do things their way and anything else will make them feel agitated, impatient or restless. They are enigmatic.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They become more impulsive and reckless.
↘ Their decisions may not be in line with what they really want.
↘ They feel more irritated by interruptions.
↘ It becomes harder for them to see the big picture.
↘ They are more likely to “leap before they look”.
↘ They become exhausted and weary.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is under the control of someone else.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Anti-Vaxxer. They hold a liberal arts degree and believe that it is of some use. At 55 years of age, they still have not discovered their purpose in life. They can name ALL of the Kardashians.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The arty farty one. They wore baggy clothes, weird hair and had a strange voice. Posted those ugly photos taken of a field of wheat over the weekend, to Instagram, with an orange filter and a retarted pseudo-philosophical caption.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Would rather get bullied by society than lose out on their 'unique' identity.


10. This is a secretive bitch; one of three to choose from - the PERFECTIONISTIC Investigator - INFJ

This bitch is the seemingly innocuous bitch who reminds you that they are rare and spiritual or ethereal. They do not get that perfectionism is a myth.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 18.6% - 4/16
Their character may be described as having the collywobbles. A sick or uneasy feeling in their stomach when their intuition is telling them something is not quite right.
This bitch is always looking for meaning in life. They are very creative and imaginative and often apply these skills to shape their view of the world.
This is problematic when the time comes to be practical about real-world issues; creative solutions are not going to help them.
This bitch is a handful because they are extremely complex and sometimes very confusing people. They do like to vent to someone when they are upset.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most HIGHLY SENSITIVE as they are gentle, caring and creative who are highly attuned and sensitive to people's feelings. They always want to keep the peace and tend to be private. They will feel awkward when they are in a disagreement or simply see conflict or forced into public displays of affection. No grand gestures for this highly sensitive one.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They say yes to too many obligations.
↘ They lose touch with what they want or need personally.
↘ They feel overstimulated and mentally scattered.
↘ They become unsure of themselves.
↘ They feel drained and tired.
↘ They lack the insight that usually guides them (and others).
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is of the view that they are not being treated fairly.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the one who masturbates to help people. They are not smart enough to charge people for therapy. They have no personality other than the people they associate with. They secretly wish that they were the Results pattern. They are 'KC from the Body Corporate'. Insiders will relate to this.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The lonely hippy weirdo who told themselves that they were special to deal with and how unsatisfying their lives were.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Can mentally cripple anybody that they know well if they wanted to do it.


11. Is this a little whining bitch; one of only one to choose from - the WHINGING Agent - INFP

This bitch is the oversensitive bitch who wants to be a writer or something but is too obsessed with idealism to ever start writing.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 17.1% - 5/16
Their character may be described as having abibliophobia. A fear of running out of things to read.
This bitch has a very strong sense of personal values and, because of this, will get very upset and defensive if these are challenged.
Feeling threatened by someone just sends them into a tailspin.
This bitch is a handful because they are dizzy daydreamers with their heads buzzing with creative and imagined concepts constantly, they are unpredictable, not easy to understand, lazy, whinging, never satisfied, miserable and meddle in other people's affairs.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most FORGIVING as they understand that everyone makes mistakes. Even the brats who throw rotton eggs at their window. Weak as piss, actually. They have a unique way of living their lives and they do not appreciate it being critiqued. They will feel awkward when someone questions who they love, how they think or what their goals are; whether that is starting a business or travelling the world as a wandering nomad. Feedback from others is not interesting to them, so Oxor™ suggests you do not provide it. These are very strange cats indeed. Unable to improve. They float through life on their ethereal cloud. But are forgiving.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They feel disconnected from their true nature.
↘ They feel less authentic and focussed.
↘ They feel overstimulated and tired.
↘ They feel pulled in too many directions.
↘ Their creativity feels less meaningful to them.
↘ Their energy feels low and they may feel unmotivated.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is thought of as not being trustworthy or is not able to fully open themselves to others.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Nuisance to Society. They are the Scatterbrain with the Inspirational, Promoter and Perfectionist. They have zero self sustainability. By way of the evolution process, they only exist to complain about society so that other people will fix it. They use depression as an avenue for self pity. They are the consummate waste of space.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The lonely hippy weirdo except dumber than the Investigator and way more sensitive and had slightly more friends.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Childlike and cute until you wrong them and then you will see them wise up and mature within a matter of seconds.


12. Is this a bad bitch; one of three to choose from - the UNPREDICTABLE Achiever - ISTP

This non committal bitch is the bad tempered bitch who is a wannabe sociopath who indicates how much they hate people.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 8.6% - 14/16
Their character may be described as pauciloquent. Someone who does not feel the need to fill the silence with an overabundance of words.
This bitch has a very logical way of approaching problems, so they may have a hard time dealing with situations that do not seem to add up.
If they cannot find the logic in something, it would not be a surprise if they are seen getting frustrated, angry or confused.
This bitch is a handful because they are independent and will likely have a hard time sticking to one place. They might want to spontaneously go on a trip and might have a hard time notifying others. Although they have a long fuse, this pattern is the most likely to get upset or angry and show it.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the fourth REBELLIOUS as they prefer to go it alone and forge their own way in life even if it causes friction and are often skeptical about others’ intentions. They like to live unconventionally and they tend to clam up when people question their choices or force them to verbalize feelings instead of show them. They also dislike conflict and feel weird when their friends fight in front of them. They prioritize the acts of service love language and they will feel awkward if someone tries to change that. They are rebellious.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They become impatient, irritable and bad tempered.
↘ They have less patience for theory and speculation.
↘ They become more impulsive and thrill-seeking.
↘ They may struggle to see the big picture.
↘ They may hyper-fixate on small details or problems.
↘ They can become more insecure and focussed on how other people perceive them.
↘ They become more stressed and energy-depleted.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is thought of as being somewhat academically challenged and has to participate in hands off learning.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Just Do It Brigade. They once tipped over a vending machine 'just to see what would happen '. They can name very single component of your car, appear to be very capable of achievement, yet live in a caravan.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The cool badass silent type! Oh wait, this is not an action movie, they were that dickhead who almost never talked and was obsessed with cars and skateboards.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Too much suppressed emotion which usually comes out in the most freakiest of sexual acts with their partner.


13. This is a basic bitch; one of two to choose from - the PEOPLE PLEASING Practitioner - ISFJ

This NAIVEbitch is the boring nice bitch who has never, ever, had a unique or individual thought and pops out of nowhere.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 10.0% - =12/16
Their character may be described as steadfast. Old fashioned word, which is appropriate. Reliable people who do whatever they can to be supportive of their loved ones ahead of all else.
This bitch is way too focussed about making people happy and keeping the peace.
This gets in the way of them fulfilling their own happiness or reaching their own goals.
This bitch is a handful because they hover and smother when they are worried or concerned for the well-being of someone.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most AWKWARD as they avoid conflict pretty much at any cost. They feel super uncomfortable with the prospect of hurting anyone's feelings. They tend to be wallflowers and can sometimes stumble over their words. They will skip the inflammatory family dinner conversation; even if they are attending on Zoom. They will not challenge anything in their frictionless world. They struggle to be a manager or leader and are totally useless at both.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They become over-stimulated and drained.
↘ They feel suffocated by their responsibilities.
↘ They have a hard time thinking clearly.
↘ They may become forgetful or confused.
↘ They may feel that they are losing their foundation and steadiness.
↘ They can feel irritated by people but compelled to help them anyway.
↘ They can feel anchorless and without a clear sense of direction.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is not being valued or needed by others.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Doormat. They will never achieve anything higher than their current tax bracket. They can neither manage nor lead. They are rusted on to the past and enforce outdated social rules. They are afraid that a meteorite will land on their house. They are 'Irish Shaun from the Body Corporate'. Insiders will relate to this.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The Offical Campus Doormat. They tought that being a "nice person" is sufficient as being their only personality trait.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

They hold grudges for their whole life.


14. This is a basic bitch; one of two to choose from - the RIGID Objective Thinker - ISTJ

This stubborn bitch is the awkward bitch who knows that they are actually no fun. And that can make situations weird for all.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 14.3% - =7/16
Their character may be described as a fuddy-duddy. Is an insult, but in this context refers to someone who is old-fashioned or unhip.
This bitch is very organized, but this could almost be to a fault, especially if you mess with their system.
Do not be surprised if you find this bitch spending countless hours cleaning their entire house or reorganizing their whole filing system,
even if they had more important things to get done.
This bitch is a handful because of a situation where people keep getting in their way when they are trying to perform a task making them a bit tense.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the most BORING as they tend to really dislike outward displays of emotion, whether that be their own or someone else's. Not every other pattern appreciates this. They can also stick to their convictions. They can struggle with emotional displays and tend to feel awkward if they have to veer from rules or set plans. They do not like sudden movements such as announcements such as "I'm a hugger!" or anyone who breaks their unspoken code of manners. They may not know how to react to the unexpected. They can be boring.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They make less careful decisions.
↘ They are more disorganized and impatient.
↘ They become stressed and confused.
↘ They become more irritable and tired.
↘ They are less in tune with their values and identity.
↘ They may feel like they do not know who they are anymore.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is not respected or seen as trustworthy.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Virgin. They are the reigning and defending champions of the title 'The Most Boring' - since the dawn of humanity. They have read every book in the library and yet cannot tell you anything useful. They wet themselves every time something new is suggested or a plan has to be altered.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The boring ass one who did not do much and no one gave a toss about them. Noone remembers them after they leave school.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Wishes they could just say fcuk it to their 9 to 5 routine but they cannot because too many people depend on them.


15. This is a secretive bitch; one of three to choose from - the LAZY Perfectionist - INTP

This aloof bitch is the quiet bitch who spends the whole time at a party asking if they can leave now after explaining semi-useless topics.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 7.1% - =15/16
Their character may be described as smellfungus. Describes someone who is the eternal pessimist.
This bitch does not have social interaction as one of their strong suits. Instead, they are known to always analyze ideas and think critically about their world.
Although this could be beneficial in some situations, it is troublesome when they need to connect with others.
This bitch is a handful because they believe in being precise and do not hold back for the sake of others' feelings. They are useless at fixing anything.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the third most REBELLIOUS as they care more about following the truth and seeking answers to their questions than they care about obeying rules or "fitting in". They tend to appear rebellious or skeptical of authorities who insist in doing things "by the book". They always like having a solution for everything. They will feel most awkward when they cannot get to the root of a problem or do not know the answer to a question. Oxor™ warns that if you agree to do a puzzle, expect to be sitting down until every last piece is in place. They are rebellious.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They become more overstimulated and distractible.
↘ They become overly concerned with how others’ feel about them.
↘ They may feel like they have 'lost' themselves.
↘ Their logic can become less refined and less on-point.
↘ They are more tired and listless.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is thought of as being uninteresting, dumb, arrogant or unintelligent.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the 'Nerd=True' for sure. They are the Scatterbrain with the Inspirational, Promoter and Agent. They think playing the game 'Fortnite' is a useful skill. Does 95% of things that may be considered 'white and nerdy'. They are 100% socially awkward and anything mechanical is beyond them.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The awkward and eccentric nerd for whom who you felt bad for making fun of, but could not help it. It is as if their entire existence was just one big and significant defeat. Look at them.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

They have vast expanses of knowledge on their interests stored in their head but more often than not they just remain collecting dust in their heads and is never applied in real life situations.


16. This is an actual bitch; one of three to choose from - the INSENSITIVE Enhancer - INTJ

This intolerant bitch is the condescending and sarcastic bitch who rolls their eyes when idiots start speaking.
Bitchiest Rank™. From a poll of 70 conducted by others: 14.3% - =7/16
Their character may be described as cerebral. Someone who is brainy or rather intellectual.
This bitch can be skeptical, especially if given a reason not to trust others; and there are countless reasons not to trust others.
They already hold people in their lives to high standards, so if others do not meet their expectations, it may be nigh on impossible to gain or regain their trust.
This bitch is a handful because they are independent spirits, are often very sure of their beliefs and knowledge and do not allow people to control them or attempt to sway them in any way.
This bitch shows their cattiness by being the LONE WOLF & COLD as the second rarest pattern and the most self sufficient by several galaxies.
They can also be REVENGEFUL especially if it is against their pride or position as they will never back down but are likely to cause less damage than the Developer. They like to be the smartest person in the room; always. When they are not, expect them to be looking pretty uncomfortable especially if they have made an easily avoidable mistake. The need to get revenge is always there and they will seek to do that even if it takes several decades.
What happens when this bitch does not GET ENOUGH SILENCE™:
↘ They feel overstimulated and scattered.
↘ They lose focus and direction.
↘ Their decisions are too hasty.
↘ They become out of touch with their emotions.
↘ They lose touch with what really matters to them.
↘ They can be irritable and callous.
↘ They become exhausted and depleted.
To bring out the bitchiness in this bitch, implement the BITCHINESS POINT™. Create a situation whereby this bitch is forced to show emotional weakness or vulnerability.
This bitch can also be the IDENTIFIABLE SMART ARSE. They are the Jack of No Trades. They give out advice but do not take their own. Their ego is stroked when others do not like them. They pretend to know everything but cannot remember what day it is.

Oxor™ - Blast from Past as Teenager™:

The quiet and extremely unsettling nerd who was the butt of all school shooter jokes.

Oxor™ - Dirty Little Secret - Exposed™:

Revels in the idea that everyone thinks highly of them for their intelligence and their cold, rational mind but secretly craves that one person with whom they can have a real emotional connection.
