Situation - You are observing SELF-CONTROL
Observing self-control, or otherwise, can make it easy for you to pick their pattern
What are the exceptions?
Poor self control patterns are:
Results; Inspirational; Promoter; Counselor; Specialist; Agent; Achiever; Perfectionist.
This group is the same as the Space Cadets. Click Here and may be likely to have Peter Pan behaviour.
Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update 31 May, 2020
1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Tactics: FIRE - READY - AIM.
Why? Immense self-control, controls their environment, stubborn and have lots of willpower.
Works hard to get things done and will do whatever it takes to efficiently accomplish goals and getting what
they want.
Exception: None as it will affect outcomes.
K9: Border Collie.
▶ Letting someone place a glass of iced water on a wooden coffee table.
▶ Seeing a job being done inefficiently and deciding it would be better just to ignore it and not say anything.
▶ Not returning your shopping cart at the supermarket.
2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Tactics: FIRE - READY - AIM.
Why? Works hard to accomplish goals and be in control of self.
Makes decisions the way they want to.
Strong-willed; capable of controlling actions and emotions.
Exception: Momentarily lets loose, but can deal with aftermath.
K9: German Shepherd.
▶ Being passive-aggressive and mysteriously quiet instead of saying directly what is wrong when they are mad at someone.
▶ Distracting themselves with reality TV when an important decision needs to be made.
▶ Not taking over a meeting when it is being run inefficiently or ineffectively.
3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Tactics: FIRE - READY - AIM.
Why? Live in the present moment and like risk and excitement. Do not always think things
through and will often jump in without too much thinking which can get cause
difficult situations.
Exception: None. Makes life more fun.
K9: Jack Russell Terrier.
▶ Driving at the speed limit in the overtaking lane.
▶ Saying no to a dare because it is too scary.
▶ Sniffing loudly instead of blowing your nose.
4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Tactics: FIRE - READY - AIM.
Why? Enjoys taking calculated risks.
Gets into trouble often as they enjoy pushing people and crossing lines.
No desire for self-control; rather learn from experiences.
Exception: Great at getting out of uncomfortable situations if it is beneficial for them.
K9: Bull Terrier.
▶ Not stating your opinion when you strongly disagree with something that is being said.
▶ Saying, “We do not need to reinvent the wheel here” or “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
▶ Telling someone a dishonest pleasantry instead of the actual truth.
5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? No issue multi-tasking while possessing strong will and mind.
Controls others as often doing things for them.
Exception: When under stress / overwhelmed.
K9: Boxer.
▶ Saying a simple “Goodbye” instead of adding “Have a great day!” or “It was great to see you!” or “Let’s do this again!”.
▶ Saying “I don’t want to talk,” when a friend who is going through a hard time calls them up.
▶ Not making a list of goals for an entire week.
6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? Keeps cool in most situations, especially if it is most important.
Exception: Reacting to emotions of others. Giving their loved ones what they ask for and making others happy.
K9: Great Dane.
▶ Giving the silent treatment to a partner and making them guess what is wrong for an entire day.
▶ Not crying or feeling emotional when watching a romantic drama film.
▶ Not holding the door open for the person behind you.
7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? Take lots of chances. Jumps in head first. Lives life as it comes at them. Ignores
ridiculous standards. Make foolish mistakes because of their lack of self-control but learns
from them.
Exception: If issue is extremely important or if someone close is depending on them.
K9: Golden Retriever.
▶ Complying immediately when your partner or boss tells you to do an unpleasant job in an authoritarian manner.
▶ Turning off the lights, lying in bed and instantly falling asleep without getting distracted by thoughts.
▶ Following the rules without wondering why they are there in the first place.
8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? Lives life to the fullest; takes risks; wants fun; not really great at controlling themselves in most situations.
Wants to be the entertainer at all costs. Enjoy making decisions as they go along.
Exception: None.
K9: Poodle.
▶ Spending six months at a silent retreat.
▶ Declining an invitation to a party because they have paperwork that needs to be done.
▶ Setting up a detailed to-do list for the week and following it to the letter.
9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? Lives life in the present.
Prefers a quiet and peaceful life enjoying surroundings with no real care on control and
prefers to just enjoy the moment.
Exception: If a moral belief, will exercise self-control.
K9: Saint Bernard.
▶ Drinking instant coffee when you have the money to purchase coffee at Starbucks.
▶ Bullying someone simply because the popular crowd is doing it.
▶ Standing in the middle of an escalator.
10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? Pride themselves on being in control of their decisions, no matter how difficult it might be and possess
very high standards. May sometimes seem too controlled.
Exception: When relates those close. When stressed.
K9: Greyhound.
▶ Taking people at face-value without reading into any underlying meanings or motives.
▶ Passing a bookstore without going inside.
▶ Starting a conflict or argument just because they are bored.
11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? When issue is not important. Lacks self-control to force self into action.
Exception: With things that mean the most to them; stand up for themselves regarding moral choices and stay strong.
K9: Tibetan Terrier.
▶ Starting a puppy farm - a commercial dog breeding facility characterized by quick breeding and poor conditions.
▶ Dispassionately throwing away a letter from a former lover.
▶ Listening with only with the intention of replying.
12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Tactics: READY - AIM - FIRE.
Why? Likes to live in the moment. Prefers to analyse things beforehand, but often
actions are not ruled by any desire for control. Enjoys calculated risks leading to
jumping into more dangerous situations.
Exception: Can navigate anything new and scary, hence good at getting out of trouble.
K9: Bassett Hound.
▶ Telling their life story to someone they have just met.
▶ Using generalizations rather than specifics when arguing.
▶ Blocking the footpath to get a photo.
13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Why? Especially when it is important e.g. family. At work, keeps controlled and calm.
Level-headed and knows how to get things done as efficiently as possible.
Good at following orders and focussing on tasks.
Exception: Will do more than they should to make those close happy.
K9: Alaskan Malamute.
▶ Accepting all compliments with a simple “thank you” and not discounting them, brushing them off or coming up with a compliment to give back.
▶ Looking at their phone when someone is talking to them.
▶ Calling up an ostentatious talk-show host and getting into a screaming match on-air.
14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Why? Knows where to draw the line. Good at holding back especially if it is important.
Controls self in order to get to where wants to be.
Exception: Rare. Some of the most well adjusted individuals.
K9: Bernese Mountain Dog.
▶ Going to a new doctor without looking at their reviews or checking their credentials.
▶ Sending an email without re-reading it to check for any errors.
▶ Finishing a food item and putting the empty container back in the fridge.
15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: No.
Why? Keeps to self, using extreme lengths. Shows pride on being extremely direct and unconcerned with
social niceties and offends people.
Hates being told what to do / deadlines; difficult to manage; dislikes rules and empathy.
Exception: Can be self-controlled if left alone.
K9: Papillon.
▶ Volunteering to be the master of ceremonies at their next school reunion.
▶ Ignoring logical fallacies in a face-to-face argument.
▶ Typing in all capital letters.
16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?
Sellfe-kən-ˈtrōl™: Yes.
Why? Decisions based on logical thought with pride. Takes time before jumping into things, wanting
to be sure of the smartest choice and with complete understanding. Knows when to hold back, appears cold.
Exception: Stress may cause over indulgence, only rarely.
K9: Afghan Hound.
▶ Jubilantly engaging in small talk and gossip because it is the polite thing to do.
▶ Deleting your 20-year-life-plan and deciding to live entirely in the moment from now on.
▶ Asking “Are you okay?” whenever someone isn’t smiling.