Situation - You are observing when someone goes right off
Observing the length of someone's fuse is different from conflict and clashes, that might be long term and details are on another page right here at the home of Super-Imposition™. See link below. Both can make it easy for you to pick their pattern.
We are talking on this page about someone who gets angry on the spot! - Explodes!!
We also give their initial reaction. Therefore picking this behaviour and then linking it to the pattern and imposing correctly is critical.
Experience indicates that the anger theory shown below is not often seen in practice!
While spotting this is reasonably easy, you will most likely need assistance :-) This website might tell you what but it will not tell you how. Here is how all Disc types lose the plot - all sixteen patterns - you will be here, too! Most angry are the patterns of ........ read on!
Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update August 9, 2021
1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?
Initial Reaction: "You have disappointed me."
Inflamed by: Your actions, but will judge from afar as losing it may affect their career. May put the fear of God into you. May talk Ess, Aitch, One, Tee, but you will not get hit.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Misunderstood when it comes to anger. Their language is noticeably direct, straightforward and frank. Sugarcoating things, sandwiching criticism with praise or coddling is not their way of handling things. Often their straightforward nature is misinterpreted as anger when they are really just trying to save time and get to the point. Have very long fuses, but explosive anger if someone continuously disrespects or negatively impacts.
Anger Action™: Barks! Impatiently barks orders at others and shames them for their way of doing things.
Causes of Anger Action™: Incompetence; Laziness; Procrastination; Complaining; Pouting; Unreliability; Unexpected change; Mess; Disorganisation; People who respond with extreme emotion to normal situations; Impractical people; Time wasters.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: their horses.
Dialogue: Have a rather short fuse, mostly because of their desire to be efficient. They become frustrated rather easily with people who are inefficient or lazy. When around people who are not pulling their own weight, they will feel used and extremely frustrated. They can definitely lose their temper easily with others, especially in their younger years of life. Feels bad after losing temper.
Anger theory (rare): Consider others! Considers how their reaction to a stressful situation may impact their relationship with those around them and come up with a more effective measure of communicating when under stress.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Sticks to 'My Way or The Highway'!
2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?
Initial Reaction: "You are so useless. Get out of my sight."
Inflamed by: People the Developer dislikes. These people will be verbally disembowelled. May come after others if bored and thinks it is actually fun. It's actually not fun at all. Intimidation is their middle name. Scary in theory, but be aware that the Developer is the bully and will also run out of puff.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Least likely to suppress anger and least likely to show anger. Does not want to be seen as is "emotionally reactive". These types hate losing control of themselves, especially publicly. They are more likely to appear confrontational or direct than angry. They do not back down from a good debate or argument and do not mind calling out behaviour they see as unjust or incompetent.
Anger Action™: Take them on! Turns cold and calculating, then takes down the opposing party’s argument with a single well-timed phrase or actions that gets the Developer their way. (See also Bully Boy Tick Tacks™)
Causes of Anger Action™: Incompetence; Complaining; Pouting; Emotional over-reactions to normal events; Hypocrisy; Having expertise or vision dismissed; Being micro-managed or distrusted; Laziness; Having to engage in small talk for long periods; Feeling “stuck” in a situation that lacks possibility.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: you in high respect.
Dialogue: Developers can be somewhat short-tempered people since they become frustrated with others rather easily. Bear in mind that Developers simply value efficiency and believe in working hard and getting things done. They can become extremely frustrated with someone who does not follow their instructions and appears to be slacking with their work. The Developer will likely snap on that person rather quickly which is why they are considered to have a short temper. They often try to keep this in check and do not want to become too enraged by others.
Anger theory (rare): Withdraw! Withdraws to process their feelings on the conflict rather than immediately strategising a way to ‘win’ it.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Fat chance of withdrawal. Zero.
3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?
Initial Reaction: "Eat ess, aitch, one, tee you retard."
Inflamed by: People they dislike. Then hair brained ideas at revenge are often poorly executed. Run or leave town if physically threatened or things escalate.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Usually able to keep their anger in check unless they are surrounded by people who are impractical and wasting their time.
Anger Action™: Loses it completely! Feels an intense physical reaction and lets it out by confronting others and/or punching/smashing an inanimate object.
Causes of Anger Action™: Impractical, unrealistic people; Chatterboxes who do not have a point; Being micro-managed or controlled; Feeling "trapped" in a sedentary lifestyle; Being pushed to make a decision before being ready to do so; Being stuck in overly-theoretical discussions that do not seem to have a real-world application; Emotional over-reactions to ordinary events; People who disrespect their things; Being belittled or told what they cannot do; Bad drivers; Invasion of personal space.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: the door open for you.
Dialogue: Result can be somewhat short-tempered people since they become frustrated with others easily. Results want to have things a certain way in their lives and get angry when people do not respect this. They can lose their patience with others especially if they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. They will likely feel very badly afterwards and will try to make amends with whomever they have snapped on. Results do not intend to upset people but unfortunately they do have a short temper.
Anger theory (rare): Step Back! Finds a constructive release for their physical energy (e.g. exercising or meditating) so that they can take a step back from their anger and focus on the problem itself.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: If you think they will step back, you may well be entering dreamland.
4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?
Initial Reaction: "What the fcuk did you just fcuking say about me you stupid bastard / bitch?"
Inflamed by: Inspirationals tend to do the inflaming. Will tease or attempt to deceive typically as part of a prank or practical joke. Scary neurotic.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Can be argumentative and direct, but less likely to blow up or express anger outwardly. Highest ability in coping with stress by "Confronting the problem". Fourth lowest on "emotional exhaustion" and lowest on "depersonalisation". Physical exhaustion and hunger plays a role in anger. When stressed, prefer to brainstorm options, exercise or get alone to calm down.
Anger Action™: Attack! Attacks the other person’s deepest weaknesses and insecurities, either through a series of subtle insults or all at once in a fit of blind rage.
Causes of Anger Action™: Narrow-mindedness; Logical fallacies; People who misinterpret them as "mean" when they are trying to argue a point; Being stuck in long, detail-heavy, mundane discussions; Having their ideas dismissed or laughed at; Lack of freedom or personal control; Being micro-managed; People who demand respect without earning it; People who impede progress or innovation.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: back their thoughts.
Dialogue: Tries hard not to be short-tempered and simply want to let things roll off. Does not want to waste their energy becoming frustrated with others but they do have their breaking points. When the Inspirational is working with someone who just is not capable of doing their job properly they will likely find themselves unable to control their temper. In most cases, Inspirationals do not want to snap on others and would much rather do their own thing. They prefer to focus on doing what they want, instead of becoming frustrated by the actions of others.
Anger theory (rare): Concede fault! Considers what role they played in the situation and then explain their point of view to the opposing party and ask for theirs.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: You will find it rare for any fault to be admitted.
5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?
Initial Reaction: Begins sobbing uncontrollably.
Inflamed by: Others not meeting the Persuaders expectations and dreams. Will 'stab you to death in your sleep'. Consider filing a restraining order.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Fourth most likely type to get angry and show it. Like to vent to one confidant; hard time without this.
Anger Action™: Name Caller! If slightly angered, retreats to analyse the situation. If greatly angered, attacks the opposing party with cruel personal truths about him or her.
Causes of Anger Action™: Having intentions misrepresented; Being misunderstood or distrusted; Having words taken out of context; Lack of empathy for others; Inconsiderate or rude behaviour; Narrow-mindedness; Having their ideas belittled or dismissed; Being interrupted; Having to focus extensively on detailed, mundane, impersonal tasks; Betrayal of a friend or loved one; Bullying or trolling.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: a conversation.
Dialogue: Try not to be impatient people, which is why they do not have a short temper but they can become very angry. They will try to keep things bottled up and want to let most things slide. Are not the type of people to become angry by small things and really only lets their frustrations out when someone is truly bothering them. Have a rather powerful temper when they have reached their breaking point with someone. This is often because that person has hurt them deeply or has continued to hurt someone close.
Anger theory (rare): Keeps Open Mind! Recognises the subjective nature of their anger and keep an open mind to the opposite party’s point of view while discussing the issue.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: May keep open mind.
6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ
Initial Reaction: "You are uninvited to my birthday party."
Inflamed by: Whatever. Will make you feel extremely guilty. Just marginally on the scary side occasionally.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Tends to think about the people around them when they get angry and talk to a trusted confidant. Anger comes across as firmness and tight-lipped resolve rather than fury or temper tantrums. If they are especially emotionally invested in someone and that person hurts them they can become uncharacteristically aggressive or critical.
Anger Action™: Forgives! Forgives the indiscretion in the moment but then never, ever forgets about it.
Causes of Anger Action™: Rudeness; Inconsiderate behaviour; Mindless rule-breaking; Being in a messy, disorganised place for long periods; Wishy-washy or undependable people; Lateness; Trolling; Impracticality; Lack of empathy or concern for others; Laziness; Procrastination.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: a frying pan.
Dialogue: Appraisers try not to be short-tempered people and want to be patient with others. They care deeply about those close and strive to maintain a sense of harmony in their environment. Appraisers can sometimes lose their temper rather easily though especially if they have things they have been bottling up for a long time. They will go through times where these emotions continue to fight their way to the surface which will put the Appraiser in a rather snappy and short-tempered mood.
Anger theory (rare): Moves On! Learns to process feelings of hurt and betrayal as they occur, in order to let them go and move on from past hurts.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Moves on well.
7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?
Initial Reaction: "I hate you more than I hate myself."
Inflamed by: Things and circumstances that you can not rationally comprehend. May swing from being your best friend and your worst enemy and back again. Confusing, but not scary. Let them carry on like a pork chop.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Mixed bag when it comes to anger. Some blow up right away while others suppress it only to get angry when they reached their breaking point. More likely to talk to a professional or develop physical symptoms when dealing with stress than other types. Distracted themselves from whatever is causing the anger.
Anger Action™: Assassinates Character! Attempts to look at things from the other person’s point of view and if it is not what the Promoter would do, shames the other person for their way of handling the situation.
Causes of Anger Action™: Narrow-mindedness; Being micro-managed or controlled; Having their ideas dismissed; Inconsiderate behaviour; Emotional manipulation; Guilt-tripping; Condescension; Being "labelled" or underestimated; Lack of empathy; Having to spend a great deal of time on nitty-gritty, mundane tasks.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: their temper.
Dialogue: Are the type of people who try to remain patient and dislike being angry for no reason. They will go a long time without snapping on people and try to keep themselves calm. While Promoters might not have a short temper they can certainly become very angry. Often bottles up their frustrations until they believe someone has truly done something unjust. If they have been deeply wronged, the Promoter will completely snap and unleash their rage. They are capable of cutting very deeply; this is why they save this for the most deserving situations.
Anger theory (rare): Considers alternate view! Asks the other person to explain their side of the situation and try to understand the intent behind their actions.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Will never be swayed by factual argument and will be extremely difficult if held to account.
8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP
Initial Reaction: Makes a big dramatic scene about just how mad they are.
Inflamed by: Not much. Starts rumours. May finish off other's fights. More petty than scary.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Third most likely type to get angry and show it. Initially react, either at something or someone in their environment. Venting, talking about their stress to someone and getting their frustration out is the preferred way of coping. Feel better pretty quickly after being able to blow off some steam and quick to forgive and move on.
Anger Action™: Makes a scene! Yells, cries and makes a scene – and then de-escalates quickly and apologises.
Causes of Anger Action™: Feeling controlled or micromanaged; Feeling trapped or stifled; Being stuck in a sedentary lifestyle; Lack of empathy; Inconsiderate behaviour; Being underestimated or mocked; Having their time wasted; Being stuck in circular, theoretical conversations that have no practical application; Unrealistic, emotionally-reactive people.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: a celebration.
Dialogue: Counselors try not to be short-tempered people since they want to go with the flow. They try not to become frustrated with others and will work on being patient. The Counselor will express their frustrations before they allow it to bottle up and fester. When the Counselor is upset they simply want those close to realise this and comfort them. In most cases the Counselor can keep their temper in check and would much rather focus on the positive things in their lives.
Anger theory (rare): Apologise! Takes a moment to consider how they ought to best communicate their point of view – and then calmly lets the opposing party know that their feelings have been hurt.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Numero 3.
9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP
Initial Reaction: "Why are you like this?"
Inflamed by: Nothing. Channels negative thoughts into something artistic. No time for pettiness or grudges. Has to get to their edge.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Paradoxical. Most likely to suppress anger. However is the type most likely to get upset or angry and show it as well as the type most likely to get upset or angry and not show it.
Anger Action™: Does not let on! Holds in their anger and avoids the person they are mad at, possibly for the rest of their lives.
Causes of Anger Action™: Being told how they think; Being labelled; Dealing with impractical, flighty people; Being controlled or micromanaged; Being pressured to make a decision before ready to do so; Bullies; Antagonists; Phony emotions or manipulation; Fatigue; Hunger; Being interrupted or overlooked in a conversation; Arrogance; Hypocrisy.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: a baby.
Dialogue: Specialists try not to be short-tempered people and would much rather be patient with others. When the Specialist is feeling frustrated they will likely need plenty of time by themselves. They want to process their thoughts and feelings before they lose their cool on someone. Specialists are internal and caring people who simply want to have a sense of peace in their lives. When someone is pushing them over the edge, the Specialist will eventually snap on them.
Anger theory (rare): Explain! Explains to the opposing party why their feelings were hurt and then ask to hear their side of the situation. Or cuts the other person off.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Needs to watch playing the 'feelings' card with a High D.
10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?
Initial Reaction: "Get the heck away from me."
Inflamed by: Even if an Investigator likes you, can swing 180 degrees if you break trust and can become the face of the devil. But can be unpredictable.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Middle of the road. Represses anger until have time to sort things out privately.
Anger Action™: Undermine! If slightly angered, retreats and ices out the opposing party. If deeply angered (rare), will use every one of the other person’s weaknesses against them until they have completely psychologically undermined them.
Causes of Anger Action™: Having their intentions misunderstood; Condescending behaviour; Hasty generalisations; Having their vision or predictions dismissed; Controlling or overbearing people; Bullying; Trolling; Being pushed to make a decision before ready to do so; Loud noises or interruptions; Being "barged in on" unexpectedly; Having statements taken out of context.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: a grudge.
Dialogue: Not are not normally short-tempered people and have a lot of patience in most situations. It takes a while before they will become very angry with someone but once they do it can be a bit intense. They may not be short-tempered, but they do possess are rather powerful and extreme temper. Become angry for just reasons, which is often because someone has abused them for too long or because they have hurt someone close.
Anger theory (rare): Communicate! Communicates openly with the person they are angry with in order to find a solution, rather than letting it reach a breaking point.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Watch out for the 180 degrees sudden spin combined with a blur between facts and beliefs.
11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?
Initial Reaction: Never speaks to you again.
Inflamed by: Things that happened in the past. May throw a glass and curse for a short time and then go away and cry. Unpredictable. Just walk away.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: This type is the second most likely to hold in their anger. Can become especially sarcastic and cynical when they are extremely stressed.
Anger Action™: Backs Off! Retreats to analyse the situation and determine whether or not they are overreacting. May give the silent treatment to the person they are upset with in the meantime.
Causes of Anger Action™: Being controlled or micromanaged; Assumptions being made about them; Bullies; Power-hungry individuals; Authoritarianism; Being underestimated or condescended to; Injustice or unfairness; Having imagination stifled; Having feelings belittled; Having values violated; Hypocrisy.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: you hostage.
Dialogue: Agents are often viewed as sensitive and sweet people who do not have much of a temper. Anger is not wasted on small things and will only lose their temper when it is truly just in their opinion. Will definitely express quite the frightening rage when someone has wronged them deeply, or has harmed someone undeserving. When the Agent sees people who are cruel and continue to hurt others, they can definitely snap on those individuals. Have somewhat short-tempers, but this is only when they believe someone has done something truly unjust.
Anger theory (rare): Acknowledges hurt feelings! Before retreating, tells the person they are upset with that their feelings have been hurt and that they require some alone time to process the situation.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Needs to watch playing the 'feelings' card with a High D.
12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?
Initial Reaction: Immediately lunges for your throat.
Inflamed by: Situations when they do not like others. Can be brutal in one on one situations. However, can be cold blooded killers when they want to be. You have been warned.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: This type is the most likely to get upset or angry and show it. Long fuse but big explosions.
Anger Action™: Ignores! Ignores the actual person they are mad at and engages in a sensory experience that takes their mind off the issue by drinking, fighting, exercising etc..
Causes of Anger Action™: Emotionally over-reactive individuals; Lack of respect for personal space; Being controlled or micromanaged; Respect being demanded without being earned; Being forced into decisions before being ready; Lack of alone time; Bureaucracy and wasteful rules; Being forced to talk about their feelings; Feeling trapped or sedentary; Impractical people; Being stuck in roundabout, unrealistic conversations.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: a knife.
Dialogue: Achievers are definitely not short-tempered people since they keep to themselves most of the time. Achievers are great at just going with the flow and try not to let most things bother them. They can often ignore people when they are being agitating and are naturally skilled at blocking others out. This ability to get caught up in their own thoughts really helps the Achiever to maintain a sense of calm in their lives. They do possess a temper, but it is rather difficult for them to lose control of it.
Anger theory (rare): Go for a run! Finds a healthy physical outlet for their anger (e.g. exercise) and then finds a solution to the problem that initially angered them.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Watch out if the swings is towards brutal.
13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?
Initial Reaction: Feels bad for being mad at you.
Inflamed by: Being double crossed. Might like you, but not the things that you do. Only scary when provoked.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Third most likely type to suppress anger. Prefers to keep their annoyance inside.
Anger Action™: Long Term Response! Holds their anger in, convincing themselves that they can just get over it, but then lets it out subtly, in passive-aggressive bouts.
Causes of Anger Action™: Inconsiderate or rude behaviour; Noisy, loud people; Having values violated; People who are undependable or irresponsible; Having personal experiences devalued; Mess and disorder; Having feelings rationalised away; Condescending behaviour; Arrogance; Having to adjust to change unexpectedly.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: a promise.
Dialogue: Practitioners are rarely short-tempered people and prefer to be patient with those close. They do not want to snap on others and try hard to keep their cool. Practitioners work hard to keep a sense of harmony in their environment and want to see everyone around them happy. They are definitely not short-tempered people and can often go a long time without losing their temper on others. Practitioners will snap however, when someone is taking advantage of them for too long.
Anger theory (rare): Try to fix it! Communicates their hurt to the opposite party and brainstorm ways to avoid repeating it in the future.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Practitioners cannot stand conflict.
14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?
Initial Reaction: Frowns a little, but that is about all.
Inflamed by: Others making a wrong move. Can be lawful evil, but only in extreme circumstances.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Reserved and grounded, are not the types to blow up when they get angry except for very extreme situations.
Anger Action™: Two Pronged Attack! Oscillates between ignoring the person they are angry with and directing subtle yet cruel/belittling comments their way.
Causes of Anger Action™: Undependability; Lateness; Bad drivers; Having to adapt to unexpected change; Having personal experiences or knowledge devalued; Dealing with emotionally over-reactive individuals; Invasion of personal space; Disloyalty; Dealing with impractical people.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: faith in you.
Dialogue: OTs try to maintain a sense of space and independence and do not want to snap on people. While the OT tries hard to be patient, they can become easily frustrated. They simply need plenty of time to themselves in order to get things done and dislike having people hovering. OTs can become irritated rather easily with others, but will likely keep their temper calm. They just dislike ignorance in their presence, but will try to use sarcasm as a way to cope.
Anger theory (rare): Reconciliation! Asks the person they are upset with to explain their point of view – and then share their own in a non-confrontational manner.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: The Objective Thinker is generally calm.
15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?
Initial Reaction: "You are a fcuking idiot."
Inflamed by: Not much, as too lazy. Pretty harmless.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Fourth most likely to suppress anger as when stressed or overwhelmed feel very angry on the inside.
Anger Action™: A Long term Project! Ignores their anger for years at a time until they eventually snap unexpectedly and spew sarcastic and disrespectful insults about the opposing party’s intelligence.
Causes of Anger Action™: Logical fallacies in arguments; Emotional over-reactions; Narrow-mindedness; Overbearing/pushy people; Feeling micromanaged or controlled; People who demand respect without earning it; Emotional manipulation; When people try to justify inaccurate or unjust decisions; Being interrupted or talked over; Invasion of personal space.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: you accountable.
Dialogue: Can be somewhat short-tempered people even if they do not show it. They become agitated by too much noise or by too many people around them. Need a lot of time to themselves in order to feel recharged which is why they can be a bit short-tempered. They will often try hard to maintain their cool, but inside they are boiling. They do not want to be around people who do not respect their need for space and become frustrated rather easily. Perfectionists likely have short tempers when they are young and this is something they often work through as they get older.
Anger theory (rare): Let it go! Takes note of when and why they are feeling angry, rather than pushing it down, in order to avoid outbursts.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: Can bottle anger up.
Here are some causes for a Perfectionist to become screamingly furious with others when they are generally
quite calm.
1. They have been feeling annoyed by you but not telling you. They might think this is an act of
fakery but the real reason is because they try to avoid conflict and they do not want to offend or hurt others.
The downside of repressing their emotions is the sudden fury/wrath/outburst after repressing for sometime. Or
maybe they had already expressed that they are annoyed by something one kept doing but that person did not take
them seriously. So they eventually explode.
2. They have something in their mind unrelated but they are not telling anybody and the other person unawarely
tapped the last button accidentally triggering the explosion. Or, the other person did not even say anything and
they started talking as they are angry; it is called projection. They might not be aware thet they are doing
that until it is brought to theior attention.
3. They have the intuitive feeling demon. Later, when they get back to their senses, they will feel embarrassed
by their emotions or maybe even feel guilty. This if you have picked their pattern correctly. They will apologize
if they thinks that it is their mistake but will not do so if they think that they have done nothing wrong.
4. With the Perfectionist, the way to handle matters is by reasoning. Sit down and discuss the matter. They will
love that as they are problem solvers. Also, the fact that the other person is willing to discuss the matter shows
the other person cares about them, their presence in the other person's life, so that would be appreciated very much.
16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?
Initial Reaction: "You are one of the least intelligent people that I have ever met."
Inflamed by: Criticism of something that is important to the Enhancer. Bark worse than bite. Watch out if you are mediocre.
Risk of Sense of Humour Failure™: Third lowest as the type most likely to get upset or angry and show it.
Anger Action™: Let them go! Decides the person they are mad at is incompetent and ices them out.
Causes of Anger Action™: Unexpected interruptions or surprises; Not having enough alone time; Narrow-minded assumptions; Being micromanaged or controlled; Incompetence; Laziness; Loud, overbearing people; Emotion-based decision making; Having advice or insight dismissed or ignored; Being interrupted; Being pushed into social situations when not ready.
Expect Anger Action™ (=Do not argue) when they are holding: all the cards.
Dialogue: The Enhancer definitely try to maintain a sense of control over their own emotions and do not want to lose their temper on people. While striving to be patient they can become easily frustrated by others. They need to have plenty of time to themselves in order to feel energised which is why being around others can really push the Enhancer's buttons. They can have a somewhat short fuse especially with ignorant or obnoxious people. If someone is unable to read the signals being sent, they will likely snap on them. They will not always do this with an obvious rage and instead will use rather cutting words to make their point.
Anger theory (rare): Hear the other side! Lets the other person know that they have upset them but that they would like to hear their side of the situation and to determine a solution to the conflict.
Comments by Elizabeth Hunter™: This profile is pretty right and has over five decades of personal practical proof!